Lifting and correction of facial lines and wrinkles | South Shore of Montreal

Radiofrequency Facial and Skin Lifting on the South Shore of Montreal

Brossard & Longueuil

Facial and skin radiofrequency

Radiofrequency facial and skin lifting: for firmer skin and reduced wrinkles

What is radio frequency?

In esthetic medicine, radiofrequency treats multiple skin and body conditions, such as skin tightening, cellulite reduction, fine lines and wrinkles fading, and body remodeling. It emits high-frequency electromagnetic waves that generate heat in the targeted tissues. It stimulates collagen production, improves blood circulation, and helps to remodel tissues.

Radiofrequency improves skin firmness and reduces wrinkles appearance.

Tripollar® and TriLipo 3rd generation radiofrequency technologies for face and skin third generation offer long-lasting results with no recovery time. These non-invasive treatments stimulate the synthesis of new collagen fibers, elastin, and hyaluronic acid for smoother and firmer skin, safely giving you a younger-looking appearance.
During a radio frequency treatment with the TriPollar® or TriLipo applicator, the skin tissues are heated homogeneously for more safety and less discomfort. Furthermore, a temperature sensor is integrated into the applicator and prevents overheating, which allows you to resume your usual activities immediately after the session.
For long-lasting results, we recommend a series of 4 to 6 sessions every other week and a maintenance session every 3 to 6 months to preserve the results.

Radiofrequency lifting to tighten the skin on your face, neck, cleavage, and more!

TriPollar® and TriLipo radiofrequency lifting can treat your face and your neck, but can also treat the skin of the chest or hands.
You can choose to have a TriPollar® or TriLipo radio frequency lifting by itself, or combine it with an OxyGeneo™ facial to optimize your results and care for your skin more globally. Thanks to these advanced facial radiofrequency technologies, you can enjoy firmer and younger-looking skin.


A state-of-the-art and non-invasive body remodeling intervention

  • Cellulite treatment and fat elimination

  • Skin tightening and firming

  • Muscular toning

Cellulite treatment and body remodeling

Cellulite treatment and body tightening using TriPollar® and MAXIMUS™ TriLipo radiofrequency

TriPollar® and TriLipo radiofrequency treat cellulite and reduce its appearance while supporting fat elimination.


Treatment for cellulite helps with:

  • Heavy legs

  • Skin’s orange peel effect

  • Dimpling of the skin

  • Wave aspect on the inner thigh

  • Localized fat deposit

  • Irregularities of the skin’s outline

TriPollar® and TriLipo radio frequency are unique treatments that produce fast and long-lasting results for cellulite treatment, body remodeling, and skin tightening.

Advantages of body skin tightening

What are the advantages of a body skin tightening treatment or lifting?

It works!

Clinically proven efficacy. Immediate and long-lasting visible results.
The only technology combining radio frequency and dynamic muscle activation, and acting simultaneously on the derm, the fat, and the muscles.


No risks of burn, impact, itching, numbness, or pain.


Works with the body, not against it.

No recovery needed

Resume your daily activities immediately.

Smooth results

Smooth and natural results!

Radiofréquence du visage Tripollar - Lifting du visage sur la Rive-Sud de Montréal - Clinique d'Esthétique Novani
Cellulite treatment

Triple-action cellulite treatment to promote fat reduction with clinically demonstrated results.

TriLipo is the only non-invasive treatment that utilizes the body’s natural processes for efficient results in skin tightening, body remodeling, and cellulite reduction – without destroying your cells in the process.

Facial rejuvenating and texture improvement results are impressive. This tightening treatment can soften fine lines and wrinkles, firm the skin, and improve acne scars and other imperfections.

Spectacular results are possible: localized fat reduction, cellulite improvement, stretch mark and scar attenuation, and body circumference reduction.

Traitement cellulite -  Radiofréquence et Lifting du visage à Brossard et Longueuil - Clinique d'Esthétique Novani

Cellulite Treatment

The treatment produces a deep and homogeneous warming of the derm and hypoderm. Energy warms the fat tissue layer under the skin and forces liquid fat to withdraw from the cells. The thermal effect increases the natural fat metabolism and makes the collagen fibers contract, leading to firmer and smoother skin. The increase in the fibroblasts’ metabolism regenerates collagen and allows long-lasting results in skin tightening.

Éliminer cellulite - Radiofréquence et Lifting du visage à Brossard et Longueuil - Clinique d'Esthétique Novani

Eliminate Cellulite

Simultaneously applying an intern and extern pressure increases fat elimination. Internally, the treatment forces muscles to contract, pushing the liberated fat upward. Externally, the pressure from the applicator pushes the fat downward. The resulting compression effect leads to drainage of the liquefied fat through the lymphatic drainage mechanism. The combined effect increases blood circulation and improves tissue oxygenation and detoxification.

Remodelage corporel et Lifting du visage à Brossard et Longueuil - Clinique d'Esthétique Novani

Body Remodeling

Concentrated energy leads the collagen fibers to contract; the skin is immediately firmer and smoother. Simultaneously, the increase of the fibroblasts’ metabolism regenerates collagen and allows long-lasting results in skin tightening.

Facial and Skin Lifting

What to do before and after a radio frequency facial or skin lifting?

Before the treatment:

  1. When you schedule your appointment in one of our esthetic clinics, a qualified esthetician, experienced with TriPollar® and TriLipo technologies, will answer all your questions and ensure you understand the treatment to prepare for your session.
  2. Avoid sun exposure: We recommend avoiding excessive sun exposure and sunburns before the treatment. Healthy skin, not sensitized by the sun, offers the best treatment conditions for TriPollar® or TriLipo radiofrequency treatment.
  3. Follow your esthetician’s instructions: It is important to adequately follow the instructions given by your technician before the treatment. They can include specific products to use, avoidance of some medications or esthetic procedures, and directives concerning food and hydration.

After your treatment:

  1. Protect your skin against the sun: It is crucial to apply broad-spectrum sun protection on the treated skin and to minimize sun exposure for the following days. It helps to protect the skin against negative effects and to prevent skin damage.
  2. Hydrate your skin: It is important to maintain good skin hydration after the TriPollar® or TriLipo radiofrequency treatment. Use mild and non-irritating hydrating products to nourish and soothe the skin to help with recovery.
  3. Avoid skin irritants: Avoid aggressive products or procedures on the treated skin (scrubs, chemical peelings, extreme temperature). Choose mild and non-irritating products for your skin during recovery time.
  4. Follow your esthetician’s advice: Listen carefully to your esthetician’s advice and follow post-treatment instructions. These can include recommendations on skin care, activities to avoid, and steps to follow to maintain the results from the treatment.
Logo Novani, Clinique d'épilation laser à Longueuil et Brossard - Novani

Facial Radiofrequency

How much does a facial, neck, eye contour, or cleavage lifting cost?

Opt for a series of four treatments and get a 15% discount

  • Eye Contour – $150
  • Neck – $150
  • Entire face – $250
  • Face/Neck/Cleavage – $375

OxyGeneo ™ and TriPollar ® Treatment Packages

  • OxyGeneo treatment + Eye contour – $300
  • OxyGeneo treatment + Neck – $300
  • OxyGeneo treatment + Entire face – $375
  • OxyGeneo treatment + Face/Neck/Cleavage – $425
Facelift sur la Rive-Sud de Montréal - Brossard et Longueuil - Clinique d'esthétique Novani

Schedule an appointment with one of our qualified estheticians at one of our esthetic clinics in Brossard or Longueuil! We offer a wide range of services for your face and body, suited just for you!